SMASH: Run by dairy farmers for dairy farmers

SMASH has been set up to help dairy farmers, particularly those with smaller operations, to run successful businesses. We mainly achieve this by running events throughout New Zealand. These give farmers the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills which will stand them in good stead back on their own farms.

We also want to foster a supportive farming community – we are all in it together! SMASH is run by a group of New Zealand dairy farmers with a passion for the industry and for helping to build a strong and sustainable future for dairy farming. Read more

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Cattle are very sensitive to high frequency sounds and have a wider range of hearing than humans.Human hearing is most sensitive between 1000 to 3000 Hz and cattle between 7000 and 8000 Hz. Despite having a greater range of auditory detection than people, cattle have greater difficulty in locating the origin of sounds and will use their sight to assist them to determine the source. High pitched noises, such as whistling, are also unpleasant to cows. Intermittent sounds, such as clanging of metal (e.g. gates), shouting and whistling, can be particularly stressful especially if they are sudden and at a loud volume.If you think of it from a cow’s point of view, she spends most of the day in the paddock where the loudest sound may be an angry plover. Twice a day she is brought into the shed where there is yelling, whistling, banging gates, and the radio is blasting out with the volume set to 11. Not a relaxing environment.To reduce noise in the shed or when working with cattle,- Avoid shouting. Use a quiet, calm voice, especially if walking behind cattle, so she can tell where you are.- Avoid whistling. Cows do not like high-pitched noises.- To reduce the noise of gates and pipework banging, tape some rubber, such as old inflations, onto the pipes at the point of contact.- Have the radio as background music, not the main attraction. Research has shown that loud music above 90 dB disturbs glucose metabolism and insulin secretion, and fast, heavy and rhythmic music causes a negative reaction in cattle (especially rock music, African percussion music, Latin American music, and Chinese folk music!) ... See MoreSee Less
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Facial eczema spore counts are starting to increase! Just because you aren't seeing any clinical cases, i.e. skin irritation and peeling, it doesn't mean your stock are not suffering from it. Now is the time to take preventative action (don't forget your youngstock!). You can check your zinc rates are protective by blood sampling a group of cows three weeks after beginning your prevention programme. FE is responsible for serious production losses estimated to be around $200m annually with affected stock suffering liver and skin damage, which together contribute to ill-thrift, reduced fertility, reduced milk and meat production and, if left unprotected, in worst cases, death.During summer and autumn months warm, humid conditions together with dead litter in pasture promote the growth of a fungus (Pithomyces chartarum). Animals graze this toxic pasture and once in the rumen the spores release a mycotoxin (sporidesmin), which then enters the bloodstream, eventually finding its way into the liver. The toxin specifically attacks the cells of the bile duct resulting in the liver being unable to process and excrete waste products and phylloerythrin, a chlorophyll breakdown product.Infected animals display signs of photosensitisation and look distressed. The first signs are often reddening and swelling of skin exposed to the sun (i.e. around the eyes, ears, lips and nose) as well as restlessness, shaking and rubbing of the head and ears, and seeking shade.For more information regional trends can be found below, but carrying out your own sampling is far more ... See MoreSee Less
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Cows are less tolerant of hot temperatures than humans but are better adapted to handle the cold. The comfortable temperature range for a cow is 4-20°C.That’s because cows generate enormous amounts of energy digesting food and producing milk. This is handy during winter, but a challenge during summer when cows absorb more heat from the environment and it’s harder for them to maintain an ideal body temperature. Pregnancy and lactation also generate heat.If you know someone that is pregnant or lactating, ask them how they are enjoying the heat this summer - you may want to stand back.One way cows get rid of excess heat is by evaporation of their breath and sweat. To increase evaporation, they breathe faster and sweat more, though their ability to sweat is limited. When this isn’t enough, they eat less to reduce the production of heat in their rumen, so their milk yield declines.High humidity and low air movement increase the risk of heat stress. Evaporation is less effective, making it hard for the cow to lose heat by sweating and breathing.To find out more about ways to reduce heat stress see: ... See MoreSee Less
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2 months ago

SMASH Dairy Farming NZ
We hope you have a fabulous Christmas with friends and family! All the best from the team at SMASH. ... See MoreSee Less
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2 months ago

SMASH Dairy Farming NZ
“The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes, the little lord Jesus, no crying he makes.”In the Christmas carol “Away in a Manger”, have you ever wondered what is meant by cattle lowing? Lowing is another word to describe the normal sound cattle make. I guess the writer of the lyrics thought it sounded better than ‘The cattle are mooing’, but it turns out, a moo is not just a moo.Cow-moo-nicationResearch from the UK has demonstrated that cows recognize and respond to the voices of their own offspring. Their calves know their mothers’ voices too. More info about this: Australian study, published in Nature, recorded cows during oestrus, feed anticipation, feed frustration (cattle were denied expected food) and during isolation from the herd. The results showed that cows communicate to one another and retain their individual identity through their lowing. The cows gave individual vocal cues in a variety of positive and negative situations. This helps them to maintain contact with the herd and express excitement, arousal, engagement, or distress.More info about this: the worst sound from a cow?I think the worst sound you can hear from a cow is when you are lying in bed at night, and you hear the distinctive bellow cows make when one or two of them have broken through a fence or pushed a gate open, and you know the rest of the herd is about to follow. ... See MoreSee Less
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Keith and Tracey

Smaller herd works for couple

“You are never too old to learn, attending SMASH events, industry and bank days keeps you well-informed and up-to-date. It is great to get off farm to see how other people run their farms.”


Always learning something new

“I think some people are shy to walk into an event on their own. The way I think about it is if you go to an event and learn one thing, quite often that thing will make you a lot better farmer. There are a lot of practical ideas you can pick up.”

Paul and Abby

Winning shift to the West Coast

“I love the fact that it is much more family-orientated, that is much more sustainable from a people perspective. My kids will grow up like I did, getting out on the farm, helping Dad in the shed. Ultimately, that is where the next generation of farmers comes from. I think we have done well to attract people from the urban setting, but I don’t think that is sustainable. You have to have environments where you can bring up families and that is one of the big benefits of small herds.”


SMASH supporter from the start

“SMASH events are more relevant for smaller herds farmers, you don’t feel out of place as you are not among the big corporates. It’s good to have small events like SMASH. I would encourage anyone to go to a SMASH event if they get a chance. I enjoy the interaction with the people afterwards as much as the topics.”

Nathan and Rosie

Career switch to smaller herd pays off

“We like the SMASH events so much because they are at a good level, they are deep enough to be worthy of going, and practical enough that we can use them in everyday life. Getting off the farm to go to an event is like a holiday! We feel so refreshed afterwards, it’s like we have been away for ever!”

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