Last but not least – Graham Smith

The last time I wrote calving was the next big thing to happen. Well, it arrived early as usual, but went well. We ended up with 100% live births, that is a first, and only assisted one heifer who had a large calf. Milk fever has been prevalent around the district and quite bad, so […]

Wet wet wet! – Matthew Zonderop

Quite the interesting season thus far isn’t it? Saturated soils and NIWA telling us we have had a mild dry winter. Well, I can tell you from here in Te Poi 10mm over night might have well been 100 as we were on the knife-edge in terms of resorting to OAD until it dried out […]

The final countdown – Graham Smith

With the girls producing just 0.74 kg milksolids I have decided to finish up for the season. Dry off date is the 4th May. So, in the end they didn’t milk much longer than last year, and I only gained a couple of percent in total production. Still, with the pay out well up and […]

Covid free calving – Graham Smith

It’s a great little country that we live in! As I watch the rest of the world struggling to cope with Covid I really do appreciate this slice of paradise. The cows are just starting to calve and at time of writing there is plenty of grass and it has been mild weather. Cover is […]

A calving to remember – Noldy Rust

The month of September rolling around always gives me such a feeling of relief. I guess it’s owing to the fact that this is it, spring is here, the rush is over, and with daylight saving looming it will mean that those long evenings will once again reappear enabling all sorts of outdoor activity. Oh, […]